Thank You For Becoming a Choose Greater Peoria Ambassador

We’re so glad you’re here! As a Choose Greater Peoria Ambassador, this is where you’ll find tips, templates, images and post prompts here. Ready to dive in? Bookmark this page to help you as you share your experiences.
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Read the Ambassador Playbook

The Ambassador Playbook is your guidebook for sharing your stories about what makes the Greater Peoria region a great place to work, live and play.

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Explore Images

Check out ready-to-use images from a variety of locations and events throughout the Greater Peoria region.
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Utilize Social Media Templates

Sharing about the Greater Peoria region is even easier with ready-to-use templates for your social media channels.

Share Your Ideas

Have other ideas? Reach out to us at and let us know! We’re always looking for new ways to bring the community together.

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