Distillery Labs: Greater Peoria’s Ultimate Innovation Hub

There are dreamers, and there are doers. Then there are the dreamers who do. For the dreamers who do, Distillery Labs is for you. It’s where connection, education, motivation and inspiration all come together. A 30,000-square-foot creative space where everyone checks their ego at the door and dares to shoot for the stars. Imagine it as a grand factory of ideas where each spark can become a roaring bonfire of innovation.

You probably want to see some pictures, don’t you? Check out the state-of-the-art facility below.

Main-level workspace, open to the public. (See that construction worker? He’s standing at the Café Santa Rosa coffee bar. He also guaranteed those paint buckets behind him will be gone before the ribbon-cutting ceremony on July 30.)
The kitchen. (Have you ever wanted to have your own cooking show? Now you can, thanks to the moving cameras installed above. This space fits over 20 people and will feature cooking classes and celebrity chef competitions. Don’t worry, the cardboard in front of the stove won’t be there. We know it’s a tripping hazard.)

Empowering Entrepreneurs with Unparalleled Support 

Distillery Labs isn’t just another co-working space. It’s a community melting pot of creativity, ambition and inclusion. Here, budding entrepreneurs get the support they need to turn their dreams into reality.

Networking That Packs a Punch
Ever heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know?” Well, Distillery Labs turns that adage on its head. It’s both what you know AND who you know. The hub connects you with industry giants, mentors, investors and fellow founders. Basically, it’s like having a direct line to the who’s who of the business world.

Education: The Backbone of Innovation
You can’t build a skyscraper without a solid foundation, right? The same goes for businesses. Distillery Labs offers workshops, training sessions and seminars to arm you with the skills needed to thrive in today’s fast-paced market. It’s like school, but way cooler.

Motivation Through Real-Life Success Stories
How many times have you felt like giving up on your dream? At the Lab, that feeling is banished. You can surround yourself with success stories that ignite your passion and motivate you. Distillery Labs will host talks from accomplished entrepreneurs who started with just a dream and a ton of grit — acting as a lighthouse, guiding you through the stormy seas of startup life.

Inspiration That Lights Up the Room
Distillery Labs oozes inspiration from every corner. Vibrant colors. Creative workspaces. A buzzing atmosphere. It’s the kind of place where ideas float in the air and the next big thing is always just around the corner. They say you should surround yourself with greatness. Greatness isn’t just a possibility here — it’s a promise.

Focused on the Founder

Transform Your Ideas into Reality
Got a million-dollar idea but don’t know where to start? Distillery Labs has your back. With resources at your fingertips, you’re guided from the ideation phase to execution. Think of it as having a roadmap in your pocket, showing you the shortest route to success.

Funding and Financial Assistance
Money. It’s the elephant in the room when it comes to startups. Distillery Labs connects you with investors, offers grant information and even provides pitch practice sessions. You’ll not only find the funds you need but also learn how to manage them effectively.

Ongoing Mentorship
Daniel LaRusso was terrible at karate before he met Mr. Miyagi. But with enough wisdom, guidance and support, Daniel won the All Valley Karate Tournament. The point is, we all need mentors to reach new heights. At Distillery Labs, you’ll receive mentorship to help you avoid common pitfalls and make more strategic decisions. And who wouldn’t want a Mr. Miyagi by their side as they chase their dream?

Space to Grow
From co-working areas to private offices, Distillery Labs has the physical space you need. Plus, it’s equipped with the latest technology to ensure your operations run smoothly. It’s like having a command center for your entrepreneurial journey.

Chase Your Dreams

Imagine how many people give up on their “big idea” before it leaves the brainstorming table. Usually, it’s because people are afraid to fail. Or they don’t know the next best step. Or they don’t have funding. But you know what? From this point forward, those are just excuses. Now, everyone in Greater Peoria has a place to go that fosters innovation and nurtures ideas.

The result? Success stories and significant economic growth for our region.

To learn more about memberships, click here. Who knows, maybe your next big idea will change the world.